Monday, September 13, 2010

Leafspring Suspension

An alternative to the shock absorber suspension is the leafspring, they come in two main types, monoleaf springs which consist of one leaf of metal they are thick in the middle and taper out toward the ends, they offer good suspension for light loads. More suitable for heavier loads are multileaf springs, these consist of several leaf springs of varying length layered on top of each other. The shorter the leaf spring, the closer to the bottom it will be, this creates the same semielliptical shape a single leaf spring gets from being thicker in the middle. Leaf springs need to be thicker in the middle because when they flex that is where the most stress is, the thickness gives them strength. Leaf springs are normally made of metal, this would make them too heavy to be of use to my design, however they can also be made from fiber glass for some high performance vehicles to keep their weight down. Fiberglass leaf springs could be suitable for my design as they are lighter than shock absorbers and have a similar shock absorbing ability.

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