Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Concept Explained

The concept of my design is that it would be a competitive; track based motor sport crossed between motor biking and longboarding. Being in a controlled track environment is safer for those who participate and the road users that long boarders normally endanger when they ride on working roads. The boards would be electric, powered by light weight lithium polymer batteries housed inside the deck and propelled and braked by a high torque out runner motor attached directly to the inside of the back wheel hub. The boards would have in hub suspension on the front wheel to absorb the brunt of shocks, but still let the rider feel them as a form of communication from the board to the rider. These components are hidden from view to give the boards a more dynamic appearance reminiscent of both snowboards and skateboards however unlike conventional boards they operate on two wheels because this allows the rider to lean deep into turns and simulate carving as well as allow a higher top speed due to reduced rolling resistance. Throttle and breaking control would be by handheld wireless controller. The board’s front ski style foot strap pivots to allow servo steering control of the front wheel and would be quickly customisable to the size of the individual riders boot. Bindings would be of the plate variety because they are used in conjunction with solid boots and provide better ankle support than other designs, they are quickly removable but will keep the rider attached to the board during a crash as this provides protection for the lower body. Users would need to wear full body motorbike armour and a helmet as well as solid ski or snowboard boots that provide ankle protection.

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