Tuesday, September 28, 2010


My design houses suspension, steering and motor components inside the wheel. Because of this a spoked rim design is not possible due to not having enough internal space. The solution to this was to design relatively flat plate style with no open areas that maximises space and protects internal components. This allowed both wheels to have the same appearance and to hide the suspension, steering and motor thus giving the board a simpler aesthetic similar to traditional non-motorised skateboards and conveying a dynamic shape which reflects the racing environment. Because the exterior face of the rim does not support weight interesting non semetrical designs are possible.

Foot Straps/ Bindings

To improve rider safety and physical limitations I have chosen to add bindings similar to those found on snowboards, these keep the rider attached to the board during a crash, stopping the board from becoming a projectile that could endanger other riders. The bindings are designed for use with solid, ski boot style boots because they provide great ankle protection. The bindings also act as a mechanism to stop riders who are not properly protected from using the board (riders would be required to wear a full face helmet, solid boots, gloves and full body armour). The bindings will be attached by rails embedded into a rotational circular plate which allows the angle to be varied according to the riders preference. The rails allow the distance between the front and rear parts of the binding to be moved and accommodate different boot sizes. The front foot binding has limited swivel because this allows slight foot rotation which is used to steer the board’s two wheels via electronic servos. Because electronic steering servos have no physical link to the wheels they don’t transfer potentially damaging force back to the rider’s ankle which can be caused by hitting objects on the track or riding over a rough surface. The riders boots are locked into the bingings by pushing the toe of the boot into the toe of the binding, the heel of the binding is then unlocked by pushing down on the spring loaded locks directly on either side, it can then be rotated slightly to allow the heel of the boot to be inserted. to totally lock the boot inplace the rider rotates their foot untill the heel of the binding allows the locks to return to the vertical position they started in. To relese the rider pushes on the locks at the heel of the binding and rotates the boot free. Aesthetically the bindings match the style and colour of the board and their small profile reinforces the dynamic aesthetic of the board.

I am aware that using bindings restricts thiders mobility howerver because the board is equipped with a long wheel base and wide wheels the board will remain stable through all phases of riding provided the rider shifts their weight appropriately.

Following The Snow Board philosophy

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I have changed the board shape to have a more dynamic appearance that better reflects the racing concept I am following, this design features a unique asymmetrical design that attaches each wheels by a single curved strut

The Concept Explained

The concept of my design is that it would be a competitive; track based motor sport crossed between motor biking and longboarding. Being in a controlled track environment is safer for those who participate and the road users that long boarders normally endanger when they ride on working roads. The boards would be electric, powered by light weight lithium polymer batteries housed inside the deck and propelled and braked by a high torque out runner motor attached directly to the inside of the back wheel hub. The boards would have in hub suspension on the front wheel to absorb the brunt of shocks, but still let the rider feel them as a form of communication from the board to the rider. These components are hidden from view to give the boards a more dynamic appearance reminiscent of both snowboards and skateboards however unlike conventional boards they operate on two wheels because this allows the rider to lean deep into turns and simulate carving as well as allow a higher top speed due to reduced rolling resistance. Throttle and breaking control would be by handheld wireless controller. The board’s front ski style foot strap pivots to allow servo steering control of the front wheel and would be quickly customisable to the size of the individual riders boot. Bindings would be of the plate variety because they are used in conjunction with solid boots and provide better ankle support than other designs, they are quickly removable but will keep the rider attached to the board during a crash as this provides protection for the lower body. Users would need to wear full body motorbike armour and a helmet as well as solid ski or snowboard boots that provide ankle protection.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hub Center Steering

Hub centre steering is a system that places the pivot point in the centre of the wheel hub. The advantage of this is that the design separates the steering mechanics from the suspension forces, this stops head shaking which is a problem caused by the compression of the front suspension forks under braking on conventional fork steering/ suspension designs. I will design this steering system into my race board because it gives high performance and is a suitable steering mechanisim for the single sided strut design I plan on using to attach the wheels.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Armour/ Attachment

I have conducted brief research into motorcycle safety as the precautions taken are similar to those I anticipate riders of my design taking. The functionality of motorbikes and my design is similar in that riders are exposed and not fully secured to the vehicle, they both also have two wheels and require the rider to shift weight to balance.

The head, arms, and legs are the most often injured in a crash. A good form of protection for these is a jacket/body armour and helmet. The best types of jacket are made of nylon, leather, or Kevlar as these materials will tolerate the high stress and friction that is generated by impact or sliding across the ground. They also distribute focused energy over a wider area which reduces injury and are water and heat resistant. The stitching and seams need to be strong. The elbows spine and shoulders should be reinforced and have extra padding to cushion impact. The jacket should be a tight fit but allow room to move and fit an extra layer of warm clothing underneath for riding in colder weather. A good form of protection for the lower body is long pants made from the same recommended materials as above. They should have reinforcement and extra padding at least on the knees, but also preferably on the shins and thighs. However, the most suitable protection for racing is a full body suit, especially those reinforced with armour pads. Because they have no gaps around the waste they are often also equipped with armour plates which provide insulation from the strongest of shocks.

Gloves are also an essential piece of racing protection; they should be made from leather, Kevlar or nylon and can have armour pads on knuckles and top of the hand. Gloves also need to give good grip on the underside to allow the rider to maintain control even in wet conditions. Gloves need to have cuffs that overlap the sleeves of the jacket to protect the wrists.

Boots are also a critical element, especially on my design because they are the only thing that connects the rider to the board. They also need to be quickly detachable to allow the rider to detach after an accident or to put their foot on the ground to balance. To protect riders on my design I plan to use a modified snowboard binding system because this provides ankle protection and the quick release system I need.

Information and images from:





Monday, September 13, 2010

Concept development

These drawings are the beginning of the development stage, I have combined ideas from my concepts below and created an original board shape. I find this design aesthetically attractive however it still needs work, especially on the foot strap arrangement, mud guard design and a hinge needs to be designed to work with the suspension system and board shape. I realised my original hinge idea would not work because due to the angles not being parallel the distance between the ends would change meaning the axel would cause it to jam when the suspension compressed.


These sketches were done to explore deck shapes, I want to get away from shapes that are common.

The rendered sketch was done to visualise a road board baised on the wheelman.

Leafspring Suspension

An alternative to the shock absorber suspension is the leafspring, they come in two main types, monoleaf springs which consist of one leaf of metal they are thick in the middle and taper out toward the ends, they offer good suspension for light loads. More suitable for heavier loads are multileaf springs, these consist of several leaf springs of varying length layered on top of each other. The shorter the leaf spring, the closer to the bottom it will be, this creates the same semielliptical shape a single leaf spring gets from being thicker in the middle. Leaf springs need to be thicker in the middle because when they flex that is where the most stress is, the thickness gives them strength. Leaf springs are normally made of metal, this would make them too heavy to be of use to my design, however they can also be made from fiber glass for some high performance vehicles to keep their weight down. Fiberglass leaf springs could be suitable for my design as they are lighter than shock absorbers and have a similar shock absorbing ability.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Aesthetic Insparation

To gather ideas and inspiration for shapes and lines that I could use on my design I have looked at motorcycles.

The Light Cycle from the movie Tron has an interesting extremely fluid shape and illuminated sections; I see the illuminated area style as inspiration for my design because it looks awesome and would help improve visibility.

IMME 1200 concept from BMW is mainly exposed; it doesn’t have a skin that completely covers it like other bikes. I find being able to see the working mechanisms attractive and enjoy the balance between covered and exposed parts

Hondas V4 concept utilises hub less wheels and makes a feature of the empty space where the rims would be by putting mock spokes in, I enjoy the front focused look this bike has because it creates an unbalanced dramatic aesthetic.

The CB750 concept by Honda Is the design out of this group I enjoy the most. The angular styling is different from the curve focused designs other bikes have. It achieves a stealthy, robotic look which is emphasised by its headlights. The black and white colour scheme is set off by the red rims and an interesting grey scale effect is created by the angular panels.

On the Ghost concept I find the curved form attractive, however I don’t think the motor cover is broken up enough, it is too flat and the surface appears too large because of this.

I don’t enjoy the look of the Super Bike Board; however I find it interesting in that it is similar to my idea because you stand on it.

Images from:





Power System

From my initial conceptual sketching I realised that having the motor mounted on or under the deck would be unattractive. I have breifly looked into solutions to these problems.

Out runner brushless motors have permanent magnets attached to a rotating outer case, the internal electro magnets are fixed and do not rotate like they do inside brushed motors, hence they do not need brushes so can achieve up to 90% efficiency. Out runner brushless motors develop a high level of torque for their size because they have a rotating outer case, this makes them suitable for mounting inside the wheel, the outer case can be directly attached to the rim hence they are the solution to the problem of where to mount the motor. There are other advantages which make me inclined to design an out runner in the propulsion system, such as they generate torque from their magnetic field and moving mass rather than their moving mass alone as with combustion engines so they do not necessarily require a gear box to propel effectively, and they can act as their own brake. They also run on DC current which means that batteries can be used as the power source. The downside to brushless motors is that they are expensive and require computerised speed controllers, the batteries required to run them can also be expensive. I am aware that lithium polymer, or lithium ion batteries are light weight and have a supple case, this would make them suitable for embedding inside the deck. A battery and motor combination designed in this way would give the board a more traditional appearance while also making it motorised.

Information and pictures from:



I have decided I will design a race board, which will be purpose designed to be driven on a sealed race track in a controlled environment against a conceptual class of similar boards. I have decided this because riding a board provides little protection for the rider and to ride on the road amongst comparitivly heavy vehicles is too dangerous. I also investigated moped compliance issues and realised it would be impossible for me to create a design that complied with the law surrounding mopeds within the given timeframe. following these realisations I decided that research into suspension was necessary as it is a vital component on any vehicle. Vehicles traveling at speed are more sensitive to bumps because it is more difficult for energy moving in the direction of travel to suddenly change direction, especially in an arrhythmic fashion. Suspension helps to reduce impact and retain traction when going over rough terrain by pushing the wheels back down onto the road surface where they would otherwise be airborne.

There are multiple types and configurations of shock absorbers, I am aware that mono shock configurations are the lightest so I will investigate examples of this style. Because the rider will stand on my designs they will be able to absorb some shocks through their legs and also shift their weight more than on a bike which means that conventional problems may not apply and others will arise. Hence I have undertaken this research to gain awareness of possible problems and solutions.

Front shocks

Rake is the term used for what is probably the most important consideration in motorbike suspension, it is the angle off vertical of the front shock absorbers; less rake (shock absorbers closer to vertical) will give a bike less stability, but allow it to turn tighter. Front fork type suspension will normally compress during breaking because of the weight transferred toward the front, there are technologies to stop this happening to such as Honda’s “TRAC” system. They work by increasing the difficulty for oil to flow through the shock absorber which reduces its ability to compress. If the rake angle is small and the front shock absorbers compress enough this amount can become too minimal which can cause “headshaking”, where the front wheel and handlebars will uncontrollably shake from side to side if a steering damper is not used.

There are also systems designed to change the bikes geometry so that the angle of rake is increased as the shock absorber compresses, one such system is designed by a German company called German: A. Their system is specifically designed for use on mountain bikes, it only uses one small air shock absorber which is connected to a hinge system above the forks, the forks themselves do not compress. The lightest of their range weighs only 1.1kg, and has a 90mm travel range, this is several kilos lighter than a standard fork configuration and has a similar amount of travel, however it is limited to a weight loading of 95kg which is less than traditional forks. A similar set up to this could be appropriate for my design as the forces and weights involved are similar.

A more unusual looking front mono shock design is the Cannondale lefty, this system uses a strut with a tracked shock absorber built in. Due to the extra stress on the lone strut heavy reinforcement is needed to stop twisting, despite this they are lighter than a conventional fork set up, weighing around 1.2kg depending on the model.

Rear shocks

Rear shock absorber configurations do not need to be as considerate of changing bike geometry as those on the front because they follow the path set by the front wheel and they do not steer. Modern configurations normally use an “H” shaped swing arm in combination with a shock that is mounted close to the hinge via a pivoting lever at one end and attached to the frame at the other. A variant of this

Design is which is used by race bikes uses an “h” shaped swing arm, the wheel mounts to the end of the swing arm that only has one side. This is advantageous because the wheel can be changed more quickly, however because the wheel is only supported on one side the swing arm must have appropriate reinforcing to stop twisting which will increase weight.

Information and images from:




Monday, September 6, 2010


Alloy wheels are the type used on most cars and trucks, their purpose is to support the tire and give the axel a place to mount. The most common alloy wheels are basic steel shapes with a painted finish; they are often fitted with hub caps to hide unattractive steelwork and to simulate more popular magwheels. Magwheels are also alloy wheels however they feature attractive designs on the rim face and often have a painted, chrome or anodized finish. They are prone to becoming scratched and gauged by rough surfaces and curbs.

Spoked wheels use small inter woven spokes instead of a large alloy surface to support the rim and axel mount. The spokes make them much lighter than their alloy counterparts but they are only suitable for light loads. They are commonly seen on mountain bikes and motorbikes.

Spokeless wheels also known as hubless wheels, move the axel mount off center and attach it directly to a track on the rim, inside the track there are ball bearings or rollers, which allow the rim and tire to rotate. The appearance of spokeless wheels is higly attractive and very different from spoked and alloy wheels. Spokeless wheels require fine tolerances and are prone to problems and often not practical in the real world, though they are a design that is only just being explored despite being invented in 1989 by Franco Sbarro.

Although I find spokeless wheels very atteractive I will more likely use spoked wheels in my design due to their light weight and good reliability compared to alloy and spokeless wheels

Information from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubless_wheel

Images from:

Spokedwheel- http://www.greatwesternvehicle.org/support.html

Mag wheel- http://www.cartuningcentral.com/alloy-wheels

Steel wheel- http://www.bikudo.com/product_search/details/124778/steel_wheels_oem_demount.html

Spokeless wheel- http://www.thedesignblog.org/entry/hubless-monster-bike-a-raked-out-chopper-sans-spokes/

Friday, September 3, 2010


No matter what type of design I decide to follow steering will be a vital element.This is an overview of the steering systens used on skateboard designs. Currently I am leaning towards a two wheeled design similar to the dirt surfer because I prefer the aesthetics and there are functional benefits such as having a reduced weight.

Casters are the steering system used on castor boards and a modified version is found in the dirt surfer. Swivel castors as found on the Ripstick are able to rotate 360degrees because they are mounted on ball bearings, this makes them extremely agile. Because of the distance between the axel and the swivel joint casters always follows the direction of travel and tend to maintain the direction they have been moved in. Caster boards use a tilting platform on which the casters are mounted to force a change in the swivel angle that is proportional to the angle of tilt; this is done by transferring pressure to one side of the castor by lowering one side of the platform. The major problems with castors are that they are prone to an uncontrollable flutter at speed, though this can be reduced by increasing the distance from the swivel joint to the axel. They are also prone to being pushed by or caught in raises or ruts on the surface of travel because they swivel freely.

The dirt surfer uses a similar system to a caster, though it reduces these problems by using a pivot point rather than swivel, the degree the wheel can move is also reduced to about 30degrees and the distance between the axel and pivot is increased. The large diameter of the wheels means that they provide gyroscopic force proportional to the speed of rotation, this stops them being pushed by or caught on an uneven surface and provides proportional dampening to the steering making it impossible to over steer

Truck style steering as found on most skateboards works by causing the wheels on the lower side of the board to pull towards each other, this happens because the kingpin, which is the pivot point of the axel, is set at an angle that is less than 90degrees to the board so when one side becomes lower the axels are forced into a position that means they are no longer parallel. The board then turns around the point where imaginary lines drawn through the axels intersect. Depending on the angle of the king pin trucks are prone to speed wobble.

The foot steering used by the wheelman uses the angle of the rider’s foot to change that of the wheel, this gives precise proportional steering that is effective at low and high speeds. I am aware that hitting an obstacle would transfer the force to the rider’s ankle and potentially cause injury. However as long as the wheels range of movement is within the tolerance of the ankle it would most likely be ok although I doubt it would be suitable for off road use because even small consistent shocks would quickly tyre the muscles required to maintain control. This style of steering caused me to wonder if it would be possible to use with a non-spokeless wheel, I am confident that a method could be devised, such as having a swivelling footstrap connected to the wheel by a rod.

I am familiar with servos as a steering system. They could be wirelessly controlled to change the angle of the wheel with a high degree of accuracy at high and low speeds and would not risk injury to the rider through shock transfer. The wheel would also be able to ride through uneven terrain without being caught in ruts or pushed by high spots because the servo would not allow the wheel to deviate from its set course.

Information derived from previous posts, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caster and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skateboard

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Initial Conceptual Ideas

Skateboard designs appear to be all about imitating the ride of a surfboard or snowboard on land/dirt, there are already plenty of designs that focus on this so I doubt I will make this the focus of my design. However I will keep this in mind as it is obviously a crucial part of skating culture. Board shapes and styles are dictated by their intended functionality, there is no "official" skateboard design but the most easily recognisable are longboards and street style boards. This research has triggered ideas so I have started sketching concepts, although I still have not decided on what variant of the skateboard I will work from or with I am leaning towards Roadboards. This is an area I have not seen investigated in my research so far, and I think there is potential to develop a concept designed soley to be ridden on the road under similar conditions to a moped.

Deck Shapes/ Designs

Skateboard decks have not evolved much in comparison to the changes in wheels and trucks, they tend to be a composite wood, plastic or fibre but most commonly wood. The shapes used have not changed much over the last few decades, most boards still resemble a plank with rounded raised ends. This is probably because the shape and material used is very functional; the style skateboards possess is normally adorned through printed graphics. Deck graphics tend to reflect the culture in which the boards are used, long boards often to have laidback graphics and shape reminiscent of surfboards whereas skateboards tend to have a much more chaotic urban aesthetic often with graffiti styling.
Images and information from the book "the concrete wave" and http://www.besportier.com/archives/17-coolest-skateboards-unusual-skateboards-amazing-skateboards.html

GM Autonomy

Although not actually a skateboard GM’s Autonomy concept has an interesting shape and philosophy that could inspire a skateboard design. The concept is designed as a chassis for use with multiple removable vehicle bodies. It features a fuel cell propulsion system and wireless electronic vehicle control; this means that the vehicle body can be configured in any way the designer wishes as traditional physical items such as motors and steering columns don’t get in the way.
Information from http://www.gizmag.com/general-motors-autonomy/1166/

BMW Street Carver

BMW created and produced a board called the street carver from 2001-2004. It featured an interesting steering system that was based on that used in BMW 5 Series cars. The tilt of the deck changes the angle of the wheels in a similar way to normal skateboard trucks, although the street carver is able to corner much more tightly. The board has an extremely smooth carving ability that mimicked the ride of a surfboard or snowboard. The aesthetics are interesting and pleasing because the steering mechanism is visible, it is especially pleasing to view when being ridden and the articulation of the axels is working.

Information from www.gizmag.com and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bmw_Streetcarver

Soul Arc

Soul Arc is a skateboard purpose designed to mimic the feel of surfing/ snow boarding with the upmost realism. The board is suspended by a flexible second deck below a solid skateboard deck. The idea is that the flexible deck provides fluidity and mimics the feel of being on a wave. As a result of the second deck providing suspension the board rides slightly higher than a standard skateboard which will make it a little less stable, however this does not appear to affect the board’s performance within its intended use as a cruiser/ fun board. I enjoy the aesthetic of this board because the working mechanism is exposed, the deck shape is also attractive.

Information from www.soularcboards.com

Caster Boards

Caster Boards such as the Ripstick and Timber Wolf use swivel casters instead of trucks, they are designed to mimic the carving motion of a surf or snow board with greater accuracy than a standard skateboard. As a result of using casters these boards provide very fluid motion and open a new range of tricks for riders. As with traditional skate boards the tilt of the deck is used to steer the board, however caster boards may use two surfaces hinged in the middle rather than a solid single piece deck, this allows the rider to control front and rear casters individually. Despite the functionality I don’t enjoy the hourglass shaped deck these boards often have. Caster boards are a reletively new type of skateboard, being around for about a decade.

Information from www.ripstick.com, http://timberwolfxtreem.com and


Longboard skateboards are the equivalent of a longboard surfboard, they are designed for cruising or speed, their additional length makes them poor for performing tricks but greatly aids their stability thus the rider can tolerate higher speeds. As a sport long boarding is growing, it has roots in the early days of skateboarding and is being re-discovered. Boards are designed with low decks and trucks to make the centre of gravity as low as possible the aim is to increase performance at speed and to create a smooth ride. The Curve, designed by Gary Chang is a conceptual vision of what the highest performance longboards might look like. It has a very low centre of gravity which is achieved by redesigning the steering system; trucks are replaced with a segmented mono wheel at the front and rear. This has minimal ground contact and gives the board the ability to lean into corners. Due to the minimal ground clearance of this system and the design not allowing the rider to put their weight behind or in front of the wheels it would not be suitable for anything but racing in a controlled environment. I like the curved deck sides and wheel arches used, they look practical as they should increase the grip/ stability of the riders feet as well as allowing a greater lean to be achived without scraping. I also find them aesthetically pleasing.
General information from http://www.silverfishlongboarding.com/ and http://www.yankodesign.com/2007/07/19/skateboard-on-a-curve/


The Scarpar is an extremely innovative deviation of the skateboard; it is powered by a small electric or petrol engine, throttle is controlled by a handheld wire controller. It is still under development; however the prototype can reach speeds of 60kmh and ride over almost any terrain. Unlike other powered skateboards the Scarpar uses two articulated belt tracks similar to those found on a snow mobile. Because the tracks provide a much larger surface area than wheels the Scarpar is able to ride over snow and sand without becoming bogged down. To me the tracks look like they out perform the wheels of a motorised mountian board which is interesting considering that tracks are normally slower due to having greater friction than wheels.

Information from www.scarpar.com


The Dirt surfer and the land board have been modified and motorised. These range from toy like electric skateboards to more serious petrol or electric land boards. These are all primarily designed as a means of recreation or short range personal transportation, the run time or range is normally small and not practical for travel, they are also not legally able to ride on the foot path or road in most countries. Due to the increased weight these boards are not practical for going further off road than bush walking tracks. It is interesting to see the use of new technology on many of these machines, many take advantage of wireless throttle and breaking control and utilise lithium polymer or other new light weight batteries. However I find the asthetics of these boards poor, they are often bulky looking due to awkwardly placed batteries and motors, some of the electric models particularly look too high.

Information from http://greenskate.co.nz


The wheelman is similar in design to the dirt surfer, having only two wheels. However it is powered by a 43cc, 2 stroke engine. This enables s the rider to reach a top speed of around 32kmh, depending on weight. Throttle is controlled by squeezing a hand held pneumatic ball. The design is interesting in that spokeless wheels are used like foot straps and as a steering mechanism by angling the riders feet. Because the riders feet are inside the wheels and the motor is between them the machine has a low center of gravity which means it is stable. Like all other deviations of the skateboard the wheelman is a hybrid of other objects, in this instance a dirt surfer and a motorbike. Aesthetically I love the spokeless wheels and the way they are used to steer and connect the rider to the board.

Information derived from http://www.wheelmanskateboard.com/

Off Road Skateboards

Land boards also known as mountain boards are an off road skate board, they utilise much larger often pneumatic tires which allow them greater ground clearance and better traction and suspension. Due to their off road nature foot straps are essential when using land boards, they often also use a hand held brake connected to the board by wire. The boards steer using oversized skateboard trucks. Land boards have evolved into a versatile platform and are often used in conjunction with equipment from other board sports, especially those that are water based such as windsurfing and kite surfing. Like with the skate board and the surfboard, the aim of this is to replicate the water based sport on land to allow riders to enjoy it even if the conditions on the water are not suitable or water is inaccessible. Land boards can also be ridden on their own downhill, in a style that is reminiscent of a snow board. I particularly like the large tires used on land board and the rugged/ industrial look.
Information and pictures from:

The Dirt surfer is a two wheeled land board; it shares similarities such as often being used in similar terrain and with similar equipment like traction kites and windsurfer sails it also uses a handheld wire brake and can be ridden by itself downhill. The main differences are that it only has two wheels and, steers with a free floating front wheel which uses a mechanism similar to that found on swivel castors. The front wheel’s angle changes according to the angle of tilt on the board. This makes the board much more agile than its fore wheeled counterpart and allows it to carve in a style that more accurately replicates a surf board or snowboard. It is also faster due to having less rolling resistance. However it is less stable. I don’t find the dirt surfers aesthetic pleasing despite it being rugged and exposed, because I find the tire height to width ratio unbalanced (tyres too narrow) and I think the board lacks design flare, it looks too industrial. I am aware though that the board has these features to improve its functionality and to keep its weight and cost down.
Information and pictures from www.dirtsurfer.com

A Breif History Of The Skateboard

I decided to start this assignment by researching the history of skateboarding, these are some accompanying images and a summary of what I found while reading the book “The Concrete wave the history of skateboarding” written by Michael Brooke.

The first type of skate board was created around the early 1900’s by children in the America modifying roller-skates, they took the wheels and attached them to a plank of wood, often these early skateboards would also have handles so they more closely resembled what we know as a scooter. Over the next fifty years children changed the design by removing the handles, these early skateboards more closely resemble what we know as a skateboard however they were still extremely crude they did not have trucks and their wheels were steel.

During the baby boom following the Second World War toy manufacturers realised the commercial potential the skateboard had, by 1959 the first commercial skateboards were on sale. It was around this time that surfing was also attracting attention, people tied the two sports together and it became popular for surfers to “surf the street” on days when the waves were poor. In 1965 the sport fell out of popularity due to a disgruntled public, cities began to ban skateboarding due to the high number of injuries and a rising number of fatalities. These were mainly because the commonly used ceramic wheels gave poor traction and trucks were unreliable and only offered limited mobility. skateboard manufacturers made huge losses due to thousands of cancellations. For the next eight years skateboarding was kept alive by small numbers of dedicated individuals, during this period Larry Stevenson invented the “kick tail”, this is where modern skateboards get their raised ends. Larry attempted to revive skating in California, where it was still popular among small groups though he was met with little successes.

In 1970 Frank Nasworthy, a recreational skater realised that urethane wheels were far superior in ride quality than traditional clay wheels, he began producing, selling and promoting urethane wheels, at first he was met with resistance skaters didn’t want to move away from the traditional clay wheels. Urethane wheels were also very costly, a set cost as much as a new board. Eventually skaters realised what a difference these wheels made and their popularity grew. Thanks to these new wheels the popularity of the sport also grew, a surge of new manufacturers and ideas led to precision bearings replacing the loose bearings that had accompanied the early clay wheels and urethane wheels that preceded.

As a result of this improved performance vertical skateboarding which originated with riders using empty swimming pools as half pipes became more popular and in 1976 the first outdoor skate park was built in Florida, this was followed by hundreds of others across the USA. The size and shape of boards changed to improve the vertical and street riding style, most noticeably boards became wider as this gave better stability. The top riders of the time began riding boards with graphics under the deck, almost all manufacturers followed suit and soon it became common for riders to ride decorated boards. However skate park insurance became hugely expensive due to liability issues causing many owners to close, this suppressed the growth of the vertical style of the sport. The popularity once again fell and the sport largely moved underground.

In 1984 vertical and street skating rose in popularity again due to increased promotion of the sport and competitions. With this new publicity and the top riders in the spotlight skate clothing and shoes became popular; the sport established a new image. During the 1990’s the forgotten art of longboarding and downhill styles began making a comeback but the focus was still mainly on vertical and street style riding, a legislative change meant that new skate parks began to open which greatly assisted popularity of these styles. Today the situation is largely the same, street and vertical styles are still the most popular and longboarding and downhill styles are seeing a resurgence.